Colds, Flu & Other Viruses


Volume II By Frank Jordan (Updated 4/6/20)  See also the Immunition Report on this website titled “Viruses”.

The “Cold” Facts about the “Flu,” “Other Viruses” and You! 

We Must Fight Back with an Immune System at Peak Through a Healthy Lifestyle and Nutritional Supplementation. 

Read an important Health Treatment Notice about personal health issues.

In The Beginning…

The congestion begins slowly with more labored breathing – nose begins to run — a sneeze – the throat tickles with a nagging cough – another sneeze — eyes water — Oh no, I am miserable – aaahhhhhhhhh — I have a Cold!

Or if you are less lucky, with alarming speed your body begins to ache – your brow and then your body heats up with a high fever – then a chill — your strength fades and weakness overwhelms – your throat is raw — the racking coughing seems to never end – It hurts all over — You have the Flu!

More than 200 different viruses are known to cause the symptoms of the 1 billion common colds suffered each year in the U.S. alone (3+ per person average) at a cost of about $80 per illness. The CDC reported in March 2013, “Common colds are the main reason why children miss school and adults miss work.”  The most common cold cause is the rhinovirus (from the Greek rhin, meaning “nose”), which causes about 35% of all “colds.”  Influenza, commonly called the flu, is an acute, contagious, respiratory tract infection caused by one of the many influenza viruses.

In statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 84% of colds in the U.S. occurred in children under 17 with 6 to 10 colds each year and appear to be related to the young’s immature immune systems and the contact with other children in schools and day care centers. The common cold annually in the United States results in 39 million doctor visits causing 22 million days lost from school according to the CDC. Colds are a serious health problem!  As stated in the opening, unfortunately the commercial remedies marketed have been found to be ineffective or even in many instances harmful to children.Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” first described influenza in 412 BC, while the first known flu-like epidemic occurred in 1580 AD.  Today, flu outbreaks occur every winter without exception, with periodic epidemics – some severe.

Influenza is much more dangerous and can strike entire populations who have inadequate immune protection, especially against a newly mutated virus.  During this century alone, the “Spanish flu” in 1918-19 caused 20 million deaths; the “Asian flu” in 1957-58 resulted in 500,000 deaths in the U.S., and the “Hong Kong flu” caused 34,000 deaths in the U.S. in 1968-69 and the H1N1 with 12,000 in 2009 in the U.S. alone. The U.S. Government now reports influenza deaths in the 1990’s was 35-50,000 per year instead of the original estimates of 20,000.  In 2018, 80,000+ died from influenza and a major pandemic is now occurring with the CoVid-19 virus.

How Do I “Catch a Cold” or “Come Down with the Flu” or “Catch a Virus”?

Most colds and viruses are contracted by breathing in virus laden droplets that have been sneezed or coughed into the air.  Or by rubbing the eyes and nose with our fingers that have come in contact with and then transfer the virus by hand to hand contact.  Also, the handling of objects contaminated with the virus such as food, door knobs, glasses, light switches and Kleenex, can transfer the viruses.  Flu and other viruses also enter the body through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.

The greatest risk of infection is in highly populated areas, where people live in crowded work, home and school conditions.  Airline travel and airports are also prime sources for virus transmission, as well as restaurants, sporting and entertainment events.  Isolating people only with flu or other virus symptoms is not an effective means of controlling the viral infection because flu and other viruses can be spread by someone whose symptoms have not yet appeared.  A shut down of non-essential economic entities and isolation of associated individuals, including measures such as 6 foot separation, are drastic measures locally, regionally and/or nationally, but could be implemented to minimize viral spread in intense situations such as a pandemic, including Covid-19.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) takes exception to several common beliefs about colds,

“Although many people are convinced that a cold results from the exposure to cold weather, or from getting chilled or overheated, NIAID grantees have found that these conditions have little or no effect on the development or severity of a cold.”

While respecting the findings of the NIAID, the cold months have less sunlight and UV rays to diminish viruses. Lower winter humidity contributes to virus survival and drier nasal passages with reduced mucous that trap viruses on intake increase vulnerability to acquiring viral infections. We are also indoors more to escape cold and wintry conditions, which increases person to person exposure to carriers of cold and flu viruses.

After a person has been infected with the flu virus, symptoms usually appear within 2 to 4 days.  The infection is considered contagious for another 3 or 4 days after the symptoms appear.  Body aches and fever rapidly assault the body and, in typical cases, the fever starts declining on the second or third day of the illness.

Then come the upper respiratory symptoms with acute nasal congestion, sore throat and cough.  Both colds and flu have a duration of from 4 – 14 days in normal conditions without complications. Note that flu almost never causes gastrointestinal symptoms and the “stomach flu” is a misnomer and not in fact viral influenza.

While colds without complications are not life threatening; flu and Covid-19, particularly in the elderly, the CDC reports influenza in the U.S. was the cause of 900,000+ hospitalizations and 90,000+ deaths in the 2018 flu season. Flu is different from colds due to the virus causing the condition being different.  Covid-19 is also highly contagious and can be deadly, especially for the elderly and those with co morbidity meaning additional underlying conditions including diabetes, chronic diseases and a compromised immune system.

Flu complications generally result from bacterial infections in the lower respiratory tract.  Pneumonia that results is caused by pneumococcal bacteria, but infections with staphylococci and streptococci (strep throat) can occur.  These  secondary bacterial infections are often properly treated with antibiotics, but it should be repeated that antibiotics are ineffective in treating viral infections which cause the initial cold and flu.  Too many doctors prescribe, and too many patients or parents insist on, antibiotics to treat the cold and flu viruses when they simply will not work and can sometimes even slow recovery.

Also note the RSV virus (respiratory syncytial virus) is another serious respiratory illness that is the primary cause of severe illness in children and deaths for those over 65 years of age.

A Flu Epidemic and CoronaVirus  (CoVid-19) Virus Pandemic 

The former Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Lee Jong-wook, stated in November of 2005, “A deadly new global pandemic of human influenza is inevitable and suffering will be incalculable unless the world is ready, noting that a changed avian flu virus caused the deadly “Spanish” flu pandemic that killed tens of millions of people in 1918-19.  The Pandemic focusing on the Covid-19 virus is here in 2020 with thousands dead and hundreds of thousands sick.  Wash hands often and thorougly; keep human separation (6 ft suggested); wear a mask as appropriate (P95 recommended); avoid groups and stay at home if symptoms occur including coughing, fever, fatigue and known exposure to the CoVid-19 virus.  Check the CDC website for updates and local news media for your state and location.

Follow doctor recommendations in personal situations while supplementing with zinc, beta glucan, elderberry extract, Vitamins C and D plus a healthy diet without sugar, pasta, breads and other foods that impair your immune response.

Remember to keep your immune system as your first line of defense against pathogens, including viruses, as healthy and in as good a condition as possible.  A program and lifestyle is recommended by all  to be prepared and keep your immune system, representing 1/5 of your body’s cells, in a normalized condition of readiness as your first line of defense against all pathogen invasions of the body..

Aren’t New Vaccines Making the Flu Threat Less and Less?  Think Again!

The Johns Hopkins Health Insider in a report dated November 1998 entitled, “Is a Flu Plague Coming?” stated,

“The CDC [Center for Disease Control], the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other health agencies, including on the State and Local levels, are currently implementing  plans for dealing with a pandemic – an influenza outbreak occurring once every 20 to 30 years that defies all predictions and results in a huge and deadly epidemic.

  In a pandemic year, the virus changes so dramatically that no one has developed immunity, with the result that many more people become sick and die.  There have been three pandemics this century [“Spanish,” “Asian” and “Hong Kong” flu].  Now there have been four pandemics and the U.S. and world are in the midst of number four involving CoVd-19!

Flu vaccines have helped many people. The 2017-18 vaccine was only 30% effective leaving about 270 million unprotected people in the U.S. alone.  Each time science develops a new vaccine, the virus seems to mutate and create a new strain that is more powerful and resistant to treatment.  The best solution is to keep your immune system in peak condition to not get sick.

Current Popular Cold and Flu Medicines – Do They Work? We Know They Have Negative Side Effects

The current OTC cold and flu products include decongestants to temporarily dry up runny noses, stop sneezing and relieve watery eyes.  Acetaminophen (Tylenol, etc), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc) and aspirin reduce body aches; while the latter two also bring down fever.  However, aspirin and ibuprofen can cause upset stomachs while acetaminophen taken in excess or over an extended period can cause liver and kidney damage. Ibuprofen is to be avoided in cases of CoVid-19 as it is reputed by many to make the viral load worse and pneumonia if present more virulent.

Decongestants can cause high blood pressure, heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, anxiety and insomnia. What can you do safely and effectively? The two flu prescription drugs currently approved by FDA are Tamiflu and Relensa; both primarioy effective if taken before flu symptoms occur.  While drugs and vaccines are under research, the most sought after drug at this time for CoVid-19 is FDA approved for off-label prescription by doctors – Hydroychloroquine, which has been prescribed for malaria and arthritis since the 1940s and is inexpensive to buy.

AP Associated Press: “FDA advisers: No cold meds for the young.”

WASHINGTON (AP)  “Widely used cold and cough medicines have not been shown to work in anyone younger than 12, government health advisers said. ‘The data that we have now is they don’t seem to work,’ said Sean Hennessy,…one of the FDA experts gathered to examine the medicines sold to treat common cold symptoms. the recommendation applies to medicines containing one or more of the following ingredients: decongestants, expectorants, antihistamines and antitussives.” These medicines are now used an astounding 3.8 billion times a year in treating cold and cough symptoms in children – and they don’t work, with health dangers!

Your Immune System is Your Best Protection and Solution

Dr. James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. in their best seller, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” state,

“If an adult gets colds often, it may be a sign that his or her immune system is not working properly. …Antibiotics are useless against viral illnesses like influenza. The best way to get rid of the flu or any other infectious illness is to attack it head-on by strengthening the immune system.”

Michael Murray, N.D. in his “Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” tells his readers,

“Maintaining a healthy immune system is the primary way to protect yourself against getting an excessive number of colds.”

Gary Null, Ph.D. in “The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing” sums it up by saying,

“Individuals with weak immune systems seem to catch every new bug around and to stay ill longer, while those with strong defenses remain healthy.”

How Do I Keep My Immune System Normalized to be ready to perform?

The answer is a combination of proper diet, adequate rest, reduction of stress, belief in a higher being, moderate exercise, frequent hand washing and liquids in volume.  Keeping the mouth moist at all times flushes a virus into the stomach where acids in most instances will kill the virus. Most, if not all of us, are deficient in some aspect of keeping our immune responses optimized and can utilize nutritional supplementation of the immune response by such natural and non-toxic supplements as vitamins, microparticulate Beta 1/3, 1/6 Glucan as a biological defense modifier with bioavailability, Vitamin A, C and E as known anti-oxidants plus quercetin, olive leaf extract, grape seed extract, oregano extract, elderberry extract and zinc; but we need still more.

Vaccines can work if the vaccine content is the same as the viruses prevalent in a Flu season; but are non-existent on the more virulent flu virus strain – CoVid-19.

James F. Balch, M.D. in his “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” states his opinion as a doctor,

“We do not recommend flu shots. Their usefulness is questionable, and the side effects may be worse than the flu would be.  Enhancement of the immune function is preferable and safer.”

Consult your personal health care provider for advice on the flu shots and make an informed decision.  If you take the flu shots, you can still nutritionally supplement with the dietary ingredients listed above, including MG Beta Glucan to  potentiate your immune response to nutritionally enhance the ability of the immune cells to attempt  to keep you optimized help in your ability to avoid or minimize negative respiratory challenges.

Dr. Donald J. Carrow M.D., in “The Townsend  Letter for Doctors” summarized his clinical research involving Beta Glucan:

  “The following list benefits from the use of  Beta 1,3-glucan supplementation: People who have impaired immunity from any cause including, but not limited to …a high occurrence of infectious diseases; are over forty who are concerned about the natural aging process or might have noticed a slowing down of immune reactivity; who are geriatric patients; and others with compromised immune disorders.”

How Does MG Beta Glucan Work with My Immune System?

MG Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan is micronized (small particle) into microparticulate (1-4 microns) after extraction from the cell walls of Baker’s yeast without altering chemical composition. MG Glucan is then processed to avoid reaggregation and to assure no harmful yeast proteins remain that might cause negative or allergic reactions.

Microparticulate Beta glucan activates immunity where it starts, at specialized immune cells called macrophages and dendritic cells.  Activated and excited macrophages reach out with tentacle-like arms, physically pulling in infectious invaders to attempt to ingest, destroy and remove them with caustic enzymes.

The activated macrophage cells in turn involving the costimulatory process activate your immune T-cells and B-cells, creating a chain reaction of activation, multiplication and mobilization of your entire immune response. This potentiation of the immune cascade involving macrophages, B-Cells and T-Cells has been conclusively demonstrated in 1999-2009 Research at the University of Nevada School of Medicine involving MG Beta Glucan.  Dr. Nicholas DiLuzio, in research at Tulane University on Beta Glucan reported after numerous scientific studies,

Colds and flu plus other viruses are a reality from which there is no escape and they can be dangerous if ignored.  If fever remains high above 104, symptoms persist beyond 10 days including chills or coughing produces thick, yellow greenish sputum, or you have the CoVid-19 symptoms previously enumerated, call your health care provider immediately.  If Covid-19 symptoms are present, insist from your health care provider a test to demonstrate you are a carrier or you are clear.

An activated immune system aspiring to a normalized condition is a primary goal to address the miseries of cold, flu and other viral infections. Antibiotics unfortunately do not work on viruses, but are designed to combat bacterial challenges. .  Microparticulate (MG) Glucan in an insoluble oral supplement form is a suggested nutritional immune response normalizer based on major medical school research from 1999-2011, plus additional medical school research going back decades.


Does cold weather increase our susceptibility to colds, flu and other respiratory challenges including other viruses?

·       The cold months have less sunlight and UV rays to diminish viruses, with less natural vitamin D available for body absorption and immune defense.

·       Lower winter humidity contributes to drier nasal passages and virus survival. Why? If humidity and wetness in the nose, mouth and mucosal passages does not in essence wash the virus droplets down to the stomach where acids can kill most viruses, the viruses can lyse (break through the lining) into cells and replicate to spread a pathogenic virus in the tissues and throughout the body.

·       Reduced body and nasal mucous produced and in place to trap viruses and bacteria on intake in cold weather increases vulnerability to acquiring infections, including through normal breathing patterns.

·       Being indoors more to escape cold and wintry conditions, increases person-to-person exposure to carriers of cold and flu viruses plus other respiratory issues.

·       Hand washing for germ removal is less in cold weather because most don’t want to expose their skin to the cold air or water, thus increasing viral and bacterial exposure. Wash thoroughly for 20 seconds frequently.

·       Hygene mandates frequent disinfecting of area surfaces if viruses are possible in a location with spacing of generally 6 feet in an epidemic or pandemic situation.

·       Immune systems are generally in colder conditions suppressed because of reduced exercise and poor indoor eating habits, including frequency and content.

Reprinted with permission from Immunition Reports

Applicable Research from – a non-commercial research reporting website:

Updated flu information for the U.S. is available at .

Viral Diseases: Browder IW., Williams D., Pretus H., et al; “Beneficial Effect of Enhanced Macrophage Function in the Trauma Patients.” Ann. Surg.;  Vol 211: 605-613. Dept of Surg and Physiol, Tulane U Sch of Med, LA and Istituto Di Chirurgia D’Urgenza, U of Torino, Torino, Italy.* 1990.

Viral Infections: Jamas S, Easson D, Ostroff G: “Underivatilized aqueous soluble beta (1,3) glucan, composition and method of making same.” U.S. Patent Application 20020032170, March 14, 2002.

Viral Infections: Czop, Joyce K., “The Role of Beta.-Glucan Receptors on Blood and Tissue Leukocytes in Phagocytosis and Metabolic Activation”.  Pathology and Immunopathology Research; 5:286-296. Harvard Medical School. 1986.

Viral Infection: DiLuzio N.R.,”Immunopharmacology of glucan: a broad spectrum enhancer of host defense mechanisms,” Trends in Pharmacol. SCI., 4:344-347. Dept of Physiology, Tulane U, New Orleans, LA.* 1983.

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This IMMUNITION REPORTS website ( is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered; however, this website is not intended to be a substitute for a professional consultation with a physician or a qualified health care provider or to offer medical or related professional advice. Frank Jordan is a  health professional but not a licensed physician or medical doctor. Frank Jordan, contributing authors or employees or independent contractors, specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, that is or may be incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any information contained on this website nor are they to be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this website.

You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication.  Questions pertaining to nutritional intervention for the prevention or treatment of a disease cannot be answered. Questions oriented to prescribing or diagnosing an illness are best addressed by your personal healthcare practitioner.

If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your personal health care provider. In the event the visitor to this website desires to obtain specific medical advice or other information concerning a specific person, condition or situation, the services of a competent health care professional should be sought and utilized. If you have any medical condition or are taking any prescription or non-prescription medications, consult your medical professional before beginning any new conventional or alternative therapy or discontinuing the medication or treatment you are currently receiving.

Information and statements regarding dietary supplements or other products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease.